Financial review. An audit is when a non-profit’s financial statements are reviewed by a third party to ensure they fairly and accurately represent the non-profit’s finances. Audits may help non-profits detect fraud.
British Columbia electronic identification. An online account that allows individuals to access a wide variety of online services provided by the government of British Columbia, including Societies Online. This account is required to incorporate a society.
BCeID is not the same as a registry key. BCeID is for a specific individual while the registry key is unique to the non-profit as an organization.
Actions. Behavioural issues are actions of an employee that are different from performance issues. These actions are not confined to the ability to perform the specific duties of the job. These actions include larger workplace issues like misconduct, theft, and dishonesty.
Guidance documents. A collection of documents that includes the Constitution, Bylaws, and all Board policies and procedures. Board policies that are recommended include: a Conflict of Interest Policy, Membership Policy Access to Records Policy, and Code of Conduct including a Respectful Workplace Policy.