Update form the Charities Directorate - Affordable Housing

On October 27, 2024, the Charities Directorate released an update to their guidance on “the relief of poverty” that will impact charities dedicated to that purpose. 


22. To determine whether person or household is eligible for affordable housing in a particular community or area, a charity can use provincial, or municipal criteria that are consistent with Government of Canada funded affordable housing programs across Canada, such as:

Examples of criteria that are consistent with Government of Canada funded affordable housing programs across Canada
23. Applying selection criteria and processes can involve collecting and analysing the following information:

  • employment income and status
  • total household income (including pension, social assistance, child support, spousal support)
  • number of dependents
  • value of assets (for example, investments and registered retirement savings plans)
  • medical expenses
  • child care expenses
  • commuting expenses to and from employment


You can read the complete updated guidance here.